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Premier Edge > Marketing Support > Marketing 101 > Simple Hiring Tools to Make the Recruiting Process Easier
We understand that recruiting and hiring the best candidates can feel overwhelming and like another full-time job. We’ve created a simple marketing approach to reaching potential new employees with these easy steps so you can focus on doing what you do best in your practice.
Decide on your recruiting method
You can use different sites like LinkedIn, Indeed, and ZipRecruiter to help find the most qualified candidates for your practice. Make sure your practice profiles on these websites are enhanced with any information or photos that you want potential candidates to see—first impressions are important! If you’re looking for a new OD, reach out to our partners at VSP Premier Pathways™. Whatever recruiting tool you decide to use, be sure to check it daily and decipher what candidates could potentially be a good fit.
Create a job listing
Your job listing might be the first introduction of your practice to a potential candidate. Here’s an example job listing template:
Clear and concise job title
Opening paragraph that states your practice mission and an introduction to your company culture
Summary of the job description
List of responsibilities
Required qualifications
Benefits that your practice offers to staff
Optional: Contact information – Most hiring websites will offer a messaging feature to communicate with candidates, but if you are open to them contacting you directly, include the name of the hiring manager, email, and phone number.
Share the news
Using the downloadable graphics below, let your patients, staff, and others in the industry know you are hiring. Hang posters in your practice, share on social media, and send newsletters about the positions you are recruiting for. You never know who might know the perfect candidate for your practice!
Be flexible
The recruiting process can feel time-consuming, but if you use the hiring platform resources and allocate a certain timeframe per day, it can be much more efficient. If you are unable to add this to your schedule, work with a staff member to help make this process simpler.
Communicate with qualified candidates
Once you receive a resume that interests you, be sure to reach out right away. It’s important to respond in a timely matter and communicate with qualified candidates to ensure hiring the perfect match.
For more information, check out this infographic from our partners at Pathways and visit this link to learn more about top tools to navigate staff hiring and training effectively.
Additional hiring resources: