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Premier Edge > Marketing Support > Marketing 101 > Keep Frame Selection Purposeful
A strategic approach to inventory management caters specifically to patient shopping interests and offers options within those categories. This is true now more than ever, as consumers begin to keep a closer eye on their spending. Be purposeful in choosing your frame selection. Think about what your patients need, then consider what they want. Thinking of creative ways to help patients receive a premium frame or two for less will help them feel happier with their experience at your practice and sales can increase.
Here are a few points to consider:
Also, consider a personalized, concierge-like shopping experience for your patients. Through this experience, they will see firsthand how much you have prioritized their individual needs and wants. Selecting frames for them to try on ahead of time will ensure that you know which frames they’ve touched so you can clean them afterward. You can also think of it as offering a miniature, exclusive trunk show and make the patient feel like a celebrity… in your office at least!
In the next article of our Frame Board Management series, we’ll share information about the real cost of returns and how minimizing returns can help your bottom line. Stay tuned!