Planned System Maintenance 1/6, 1/7, & 1/8

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November is American Diabetes Month


It’s important to keep the prevalence of diabetes and its risks top of mind with patients all year, and November presents an added opportunity to focus on this important topic. That’s right, American Diabetes Month is only a few short days away. Is your practice ready to promote this observance, and the valuable role Doctors of Optometry have in caring for patients living with and at risk for diabetes?

The National Eye Institute estimates 95% of vision loss associated with diabetes can be prevented with an annual eye exam and appropriate follow-up care.

Show patients your practice’s focus on diabetes with the American Diabetes Association® (ADA) Badge for your VSP® Find A Doctor Directory listing on, which has more than 562,000 unique visitors each month.2

With the badge, you can further showcase your commitment to supporting your patients’ overall health, as well as their vision. Plus, it indicates to patients your practice has completed specialized, diabetes-focused education through VSP Premier EdgeTM Training and Education. Courses are available to both doctors and staff and provide your practice with points toward your badge.

Jump start American Diabetes Month in your practice by attaining the ADA badge. In fact, your practice may only be a few points away. Visit to get started.

You can find more diabetes-related resources at to observe the month, engage with your patients, and strengthen your practice’s value in your patients’ eyes.

1 National Eye Institute 
2 VSP data, average unique user visits January – August 2024

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